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上门回收是德科技 Keysight MSOV254A 示波器

2020/2/27 16:07:48发布233次查看ip:发布人:1433223


16 GHz 模拟带宽(可升级)
高达 80 GSa/s 采样率和 2 Gpts 采集存储器可以提供更完整的信号迹线捕获
更低的本底噪声(50 mV/格时为 1.32 mVrms)和测量本底抖动(100 fs)可以实现出色的信号完整性
超过 5.5 的有效位数(ENOB)和超过 50 dBc 的无杂散动态范围(SFDR)能够确保卓越的测量精度
广泛的抖动、触发、分析和协议工具(包括 Precision Probe)可以改善您的测试
带宽 16 GHz
通道数 4
最大存储器深度 2 Gpts
80 GSa/s(2 通道),40 GSa/s(4 通道)

ADC 位数 8 bits
27.5 ps (10-90%), 19.4 (20-80%)

了解详细信息: 查看配置指南

Additional Memory
DSOV000-100 Includes 100 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-200 Includes 200 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-500 Includes 500 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-01G Includes 1 Gpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-02G Includes 2 Gpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-800 Standard Removable SSD drive for V-Series - 500 GB
DSOV000-801 Upgrade - Removable SSD drive for V-Series - 1TB
Serial Trigger
DSOV000-809 Standard Model without Serial Trigger Hardware
DSOV000-810 12 Gbps hardware serial trigger
Peripheral Connection
DSOV000-805 GPIB Card-Interface - installed
Calibration Documentation
DSOV000-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
DSOV000-AMG Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited)
DSOV000-808 Performance verification and deskew fixture
Analysis Software Applications
E2681A-1NL EZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, node locked license
E2681A-1FP EZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, fixed perpetual license
E2681A-1TP EZJIT Jitter Analysis Software, transportable perpetual license
N2809A-002 PrecisionProbe for 90000 series oscilloscope
N2809A-001 PrecisionProbe for 90000X series oscilloscope
N2809A-1NL PrecisionProbe Software, node locked license
N2809A-1FP PrecisionProbe Software, fixed perpetual license
N2809A-1TP PrecisionProbe Software, transportable perpetual license
N5400A-1NL EZJIT+ jitter analysis software, node locked license
N5400A-1FP EZJIT+ jitter analysis software, fixed perpetual license
N5400A-1TP EZJIT+ jitter analysis software, transportable perpetual license
N5414B-1NL InfiniiScan Event Identification Software, node locked license
N5414B-1FP InfiniiScan Event Identification Software, fixed perpetual license
N5414B-1TP InfiniiScan Event Identification Software, transportable perpetual license
N5461A-1NL Equalization Emulation software, node locked license
N5461A-1FP Equalization Emulation software, fixed perpetual license
N5461A-1TP Equalization Emulation software, transportable perpetual license
N5465A-1NL InfiniiSim Advanced, node locked license
N5465A-2NL InfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, node locked license
N5465A-3NL InfiniiSim Basic, node locked license
N5465A-1FP InfiniiSim Advanced, fixed perpetual license
N5465A-1TP InfiniiSim Advanced, transportable perpetual license
N5465A-2FP InfiniiSim Basic to Advanced Upgrade, fixed perpetual license
N5465A-3FP InfiniiSim Basic, fixed perpetual license


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