东莞高价求购废强磁,废强磁什么价格--采购价格 巨杉稀土专业生产磁性材料、化工产品的企业,生产各种规格的高纯氧化物、氧化镧、氧化铈、氧化镨、氧化钕、氧化钐、氧化铕、氧化钆、氧化铽、氧化镝、氧化钬、氧化铒、氧化铥、氧化镱、氧化镥、氧化钇、镨钕金属、金属镝、金属钆、稀土盐类、特殊稀土产品定制等产品。(自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口业务)
东莞高价求购废强磁 东莞废强磁什么价格 东莞废强磁采购价格
ganzhou sequoia rare earth co., ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “sequoia r-e”) is a high-tech company thatspecializes in rare earth production, processing and trading.
sequoia r-e mainly focuses on rare earthresearch, development and production, self-producing and acting as an agent fora comprehensive collection of high purity rare earth oxides, rare earth salts,special compounds and processed rare-earth-based products.
since its establishment, sequoia r-e values acustomer-centered and honest corporate culture. thanks to the joint efforts ofall our employees, we have built stable sales channels and market networks witha wide recognition and support of our customers; and our complete managementsystem ensures a balanced development in aspects covering r&d, production,sales, marketing and management.
in the future, sequoia r-e will vigorouslyimplement the “new rare earth” strategy to speed up the adjustment ofprocessing technology, upgrade environmental protection measures, promoteresource integration, extend industry chain and ultimately build an outstandingmodern enterprise.
东莞高价求购废强磁 东莞废强磁什么价格 东莞废强磁采购价格 赣州巨杉 赣州稀土